
Body Contouring

Non-invasive procedures are used to remove excess fat involve no recovery time; you can resume your normal activities the same day. Non-invasive therapiestypically require multiple treatment sessions. You will observe
a visible decrease in fat bulges in two to four sessions.five to ten sessions are recommended to see maximum results.

Cool Tshock

Cool Tshock is an innovative and effective device that is a clinically proven successful solution on Slimming Toning and Rejuvenation by using thermal shock

Laser Lipo

Low level laser therapy emits cold laser energy into body tissues that are absorbed by fat cells, which are then broken down, absorbed into the body and then eliminated through the lymphatic system.

Skin Tightening

Non-surgical skin tightening, can effectively tighten moderately lax skin on the face, neck and body.  Using radio frequency technology to stimulate collagen and elastin production and gradually improves skin tone and texture.